Tu détestes les étiquettes ? (Moi aussi!) Mais tu sais que – parfois – elles peuvent être utiles à certaines fins. Est-ce que tu as déjà fait le Quiz Rainforest Mind
Did you know that you have 24 strengths? We all have a unique Character Strengths Profile. The study and use of strengths are central to the science of positive psychology. Knowing and tapping
Are you an avid reader, lover of language and savourer of idioms? Do you enjoy playing with words? It feels a little bit like a ‘monkey business’ to write this article. I’ll brush over ‘monkey
Do you agree that happiness is a choice and can be cultivated? Yes, of course, but… Let’s look today at the barriers that may hinder you from being happy and living your best life. You know from
You know what it means to feel like an alien. Interestingly enough, not all “aliens” do. Have you thought for a long time – secretly – that you must have fallen to earth (like David
Life is short. The rest of your life starts today. Did you know that less than one person in five is flourishing according to positive psychology? Why not make this year the year in which you
We have covered different aspects of cultivating love and happiness on this blog. You may ask, “but how can I make time to pursue happiness?” That’s easy: through cultivating
Have you heard of the ‘happiness formula’ developed by Martin Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology? Did you know that scientific studies have proved the following: be happy now,
Everyone knows the critical inner voice that tells you, “I can’t do this”, or “I’m not ready now”, and other things that may be powerful hindrances on your way to success and happiness. What can